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Monday, May 4

3-Day Coconut Cake



1The night before you make this cake, blend together the sour cream, coconut and sugar.

Separate 1 cup of mixture and place in a separate bowl; refrigerate both portions.

The next day, prepare cake mix as per instructions on the back of the box, in two 8- or 9-inch round cake pans; let cool

Using a long, serrated knife, split both layers in half horizontally, to end up with four layers.

Place one layer of cake on the plate of a cake stand or cake saver that has a top; spread all but the reserved 1 cup of coconut mixture between the layers.

Mix Cool Whip together with the reserved 1 cup coconut mixture.

Frost sides and top of cake with this mixture.

Cover the cake and place in the refrigerator.

Do NOT remove or eat for 3 days.

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