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Wednesday, July 2

Cookie Dough Ice Cream Cake

I meant to post this after Sarah's birthday. We made her an ice cream cake for her birthday. Start by making two yellow round cakes. When they are cool remove them from the pan. We made homemade cookie dough ice cream by mixing chunks of cookie dough in vanilla ice cream. Reserve some dough to put clumps on top. Press ice cream in the same cake pans that you cooked the cakes in - line them with plastic. Assemble. (It might be good to also freeze the cake. This will help the icing not melt when you put it on.) When the ice cream is frozen solid in the pans and your cakes are very cold, mix together cool whip and vanilla ice cream to make the frosting. Then put cake, ice cream, cake, ice cream and then frost with ice cream cool whip mixture. Top with cookie dough and you can also put some cookie crumbs around the bottom of the cake. Refrigerate overnight.

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